
the answer is 42.

Lunkwill: O great computer, the task we have designed you to perform is this: We want you to tell us the Answer.
Deep Thought: The answer?
Lunkwill: Yes.
Deep Thought: The answer to what?
Lunkwill: Life.
Fook: The universe.
Lunkwill: Everything.
Deep Thought: Tricky.

after 12 million years....

Deep Thought: You're really not going to like it.
Lunkwill: Tell us.
Deep Thought: The answer to the Great Question...
Lunkwill: Yes?
Deep Thought: ...of life, the universe, and everything...
Lunkwill: Yes?
Deep Thought: ...is...
Fook: Yes?
Deep Thought: ...is...
Lunkwill, Fook: *Yes*?
Deep Thought: Forty-two.
[stunned silence]
Lunkwill, Fook: *Forty-two*?
Deep Thought: It was a tough assignment.

*it also happens to be how many pounds i've lost since march 11, 2007*

1 comment:

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